Note: all information, templates, and other materials made available here are intended as general information only. Do not rely on this material for any decisions related to your startup. Rather, seek out competent legal counsel and accounting advice who can address your specific circumstances.
Select any resource to download a template or get further information:
Material Agreement Log
As a startup, from the very first day, you start to enter into a wide range of contracts and agreements. Most of these signed agreements end up stored somewhere in your growing volume of business documents. You won’t need to access any of these, except in the case that something comes up with a particular contract and the counter-party that you’re involved with. However, only when, and each time, you get to a priced-round financing raising money for equity in your company, you have to deliver all the agreements you’ve ever signed since day one of the company to the investor’s legal counsel. Download this template and keep it up to date as you enter into new contracts, and you’ll be all set for each financing!
Cashflow forecast
Making sure you never drop below zero-cash as a startup, having a forecasting tool is an important way you can track and have early warning to upcoming challenges. This workbook will give you a clear way to track your future inflows and outflows of cash. You’ll find a tab called instructions that explains a little more about how to use the workbook. We recommend maintaining at least a 13-week forward forecast that should give you about a one quarter advanced warning on potential issues.
Financing Planning by ROund
Thinking about not just the next round, but several rounds out, gives you a better view of how much you should raise, what milestones you are committing to achieve with each round, and then where your company’s valuation will be when it needs to line up with other comparable companies in your industry. This template will give you a basis for planning out the trajectory of your company over many years.
Board of Directors Equity Grants
Startups typically require board action to issue equity of the company. This is why employment offer letters most often include the phrase “Subject to approval by the board of directors, the company is pleased to grant you…” - this template will allow you to create an approval form for each board meeting or written consent to spell out all the equity grants. Notice, you should number the grants so that you’ll be able to track equity documentation throughout the life of the company.
Onboarding a new investor
As an entrepreneur, you will raise money from friends and family as well as angels, so it can be a shock when you take on a professional investor representing institutional capital. This document from our Startup CEO Series provides guidance on leveling up and providing this new type of investor the information and company hygiene that they expect to see.
Pitch Deck Outline
Pitching to investors is the almost continuous task of an entrepreneur. This deck outline provides for a sub dozen-slide deck that focuses on the forest-scale introduction to a new business that potential investors want to see before they dig into learn more. The most critical attribute of a compelling pitch is clarity of thought - strip out anything that doesn’t directly contribute to making the case for an investment. You’ll also find resources for further reading to improve your pitching skill.
Decision Analysis
1CC uses decision analysis as part of our approach to evaluating startups. Click through the decision tree image to learn more about our methodology and to find reference info and other resources, including a downloadable template, around this tool.
Resources for food & Ag Entrepreneurs
Food System 6 Accelerator offers resources for entrepreneurs working to solve challenges across the supply chain.
More questions?
Have questions? Maybe suggestions for other resources you’d be interested in? Reach out to us!
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