We do not take a proscriptive approach to our search for innovation, as we do not believe we have the answers. Rather, we are curious and are exploring the world for the best entrepreneurs with the most compelling ideas.
Traceability & transparency
A key challenge in our current food system is that even when farmers and producers do a better job and deliver premium quality, they are very often unable to command a premium price – quality signals do not pass through the supply chain. Improving traceability will help to remedy this gap in our food system. Consumers are also increasingly demanding more information about food ingredients and products.
Beneficial inputs
We are learning more each day about ways to shift the types and quality of inputs to our food system that can deliver improvements in the ultimate end products, as well as how to preserve and even regenerate our soil, land and seas to sustain our ability to grow food into the indefinite future.
Waste reduction and repurposing
The United States wastes approximately 40% of all the food that we produce (see ReFed report). Innovations that can either reduce waste, or make use of byproducts and waste streams will improve our overall efficiency and reduce the pressures on our food production resources.
Human Health
Currently, 20-40% of the $4 Trillion spent by the US on healthcare is devoted to addressing the metabolic diseases caused by diet, including type-2 diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, and dementia. There are many promising innovations that can improve the overall nutrition and quality of food resulting in improved human health.
Regenerative Agriculture
While conventional agricultural practices the world over have been primarily extractive, new innovations are emerging that are aligned with natural systems and not only strive for sustainability, but even regenerating ecosystem health. Many of these innovations hold promise to be “climate beneficial” and show potential to sequester carbon.
Protein Alternatives
There are many promising innovations that can help deliver protein with significant improvements in resource utilization including land, energy and water.
Closed Loop Solutions
Most production practices developed over the last century have been designed open-loop. Many entrepreneurs are developing innovations that are by-design flowing into other processes that create a circular process with little to no waste and capturing value where it would otherwise be lost. These innovations are appearing throughout the supply chain.
Healthy Oceans
Entrepreneurs are developing innovations that will relieve the pressures and improve existing negative impacts on our oceans and waterways in a myriad of ways.