At 1CC we learn more every day, and will continue to share what we’re learning with you.
We will bring together the distillation of our own thinking as well as others we find who are shining a clear and thoughtful light on innovation, our food system, and entrepreneurship.
Panel on Investing in the food system with Bryce Fluellen, President & Co-Founder Arthur Lee Consulting; moderated by Michael Kaufman
New Startup Competition MilkLaunch Aims to Innovate New York’s Dairy Industry
Major sectors of the food and agriculture industry are coming under often warranted criticism for their negative impacts on the environment and human health. The dairy industry is one of those sectors, and they are recognizing the need to seek out innovative solutions to help support a transition to a more sustainable model of production as they lose market share to plant-based alternatives. This article features some examples of the industry's approach, and includes a perspective by 1CC General Partner, Renske Lynde. As Renske says in the piece, we at 1CC believe that it is "not the cow, but the how" that creates the negative environmental and human health impact of the industry. Meaning, there are production models and practices that do not carry the same environmental or human health implications.
crunchbase news
by Christine Hall
Refrigerant Emissions Impact on Climate Change
The global cold chain in food (freezing and cooling) is a critical part of preserving the world’s fresh food supply, but there are challenges in the current system that require significant action in order to reduce the cold chain’s impact on greenhouse gas emissions implicated in climate change. 1CC portfolio company, CoInspect, is addressing three crucial facets: bolstering energy efficiency, eliminating refrigerant leaks, and preventing perishable product loss, that help mitigate this adverse outcome.
In her book, How to be a Conscious Eater, Sophie Egan includes the personal actions consumers can take in their homes to prevent refrigerant leaks. Below is an excerpt from the book on this topic.
Webinar on the changes that are emerging in food
US Edition #1 in collaboration with Food System 6 Accelerator and 1st Course Capital
Hosted by: Kök Projekt - an online agri-food entrepreneurship program that focuses on bringing together corporates, startups, and key ecosystem players to develop novel solutions for the challenges within the food systems globally.
Renske Lynde, 1CC
Caesare Assad, Food System 6 Accelerator
The Intersection of Food System & Climate Change
The relationship between food production and climate change is a topic increasingly being researched and covered in the media. It has been estimated, for example, that if food waste were a country, it would be the 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions. Regenerative agriculture is emerging as a potential solution, not just to climate change mitigation, but also carbon sequestration. Listen to the General Partners of 1st Course in these two audio segments about the role of innovation in the food system as a key leverage point in the global fight against climate change.
Foreign Policy - Heat of the Moment Podcast
Food 2.0 of 20-may-2020
Renske Lynde interview segment at 22:30
Commonwealth Club of California - Business & Leadership Forum
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Driving Change in the Food system of: 11-jun-2019
Moderated by Peter Herz